I really love the way my photo turned out with the first picture after playing with it a bit! So of course I had to showcase it! The bottom two smaller photos are unedited photos from this shoot so you can get a good look at the actual items Im talking about without the interference of my artistic-ness (is that even a word?)
I went searching for a place with a crossroads. I really wanted to do a photo standing in the middle of a crossroad with fields surrounding me. Unfortunately I did not find this in my search. Perhaps someone else knows of such a place? Feel free to leave a comment with a SLUR!! Anyway, I found this place called Crossroads, but it is a club. Fortunate for me, they had some cool scenery areas and I decided to do my photo on the railroad tracks.
I am wearing the Pureman shirt basic by BREAKOUT. The shirt is a simple t-shirt, just what most men want to throw on, simple, easy, quick and no fuss! The shirt comes with a HUD for multiple color/texture changes and is available in sizes for Signature, Belleza and Slink.
My Jeans are by Legal Insanity called Lucious baggy black jeans with bandana & chains. These jeans are super cool and I didn't do a very good job at capturing just how cool they are! They have boxers hanging out the top, black chains that loop from front to back and a belt that says SWAG on the front. Usually I don't go into full details on items if they don't belong to one of my sponsors and its not a featured item for my post, but I am really trying to get Legal Insanity to take me on as a blogger so I'm kissing up in hopes it looks good *wink wink* (How am I doing?) Anyway, here is another photo of these jeans from the side with no shirt so you can see how cool they are!
As for the rest of me...
Head/Eyes - Catwa Victor
Ears - L'Etre - Dilator mesh ears
Body - Slink Physique
Hair/base - Stealthic Like Lust & Male hairbase
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